There is an old jewish legend regarding Abraham. It says that one day he was by his tent in the desert among his family and friends when and old man came upon them. The man was 100 years old and was using a cane to walk with.
As was the custom Abraham welcomed the man and offered to make him a meal and a place to sleep for the night. Abraham had made a nice meal with lamb for the old man. When they sat down to eat Abraham raised his plate to the heavens and thanked God for his provision. The old man, however, simply started to eat his meal.
This bothered Abraham and he motioned for the old man to stop eating. He asked him, "Don't you bless God for the provisions He gives you?" "I don't worship God," replied the old man, "I only worship fire." And he commenced eating for he was very hungry.
This outraged Abraham and he shouted at the man for his lack of reverance and faith towards his God. He made the old man get up and leave at once, sending him into the dark dangers of the desert night.
After the man left, Abraham sat in his tent feeling that his anger was just and righteous. Just then, the Lord appeared before him. "Where is the old man I sent you Abraham?" asked the Lord. "I made him leave because he didn't believe in you and fear your name" stated Abraham in a self-dignified manner. "Abraham, O Abraham" said the Lord. "I have striven patiently with this old man these past one hundred years, and you could not strive with him just one night?"
Upon hearing that Abraham put his head down low. He conscious was seared and he felt guilty. He looked up to reply to the Lord, but He was gone.
Abraham ran out of the tent and found the old man...he didn't make it too far yet. He aplologized to him and begged him to return. The old man obliged.
During their meal together Abraham explained to the old man all about the miracles and wonders God had done for him. The old man became a believer in God that night. At bedtime they both prayed to God together. The old man asked God to forgive him for all the bad things he had done, promised he would change his ways and that he would live his life in a manner that would please God.
The next morning Abraham went to the old man's tent to awake him for breakfast. But to his surprise, the old man had died during the night.
I love this story! It reminds me of the longsuffering and patience God has shown me. While this is a legend I could certainly see such an event happening.
How about you? Is there one or more people that you can think of that you have lost your patience with? Maybe you are one of those parents who has given up on and turned your back on one of your children. Or a child that has turned your back on one or both of your parents. Take heed to the story above and remember, or perhaps realize, the infinite amount of patience God has with you.
Remember also that Jesus said, Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy." Matt 5:7
If this story has the same impact on you as it did me, you probably feel a little convicted about the lack of patience you have shown to one or more people. Did someone come to your mind immediately when you read this story? If so, you know what you need to do. Forgive them! Have patience with all people, knowing the amount of patience God has shown, and continues, to show you.
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Matt 6:14,15
Others may not share your beliefs, morals or values but you are to be Christlike and have patience with them. Don't delay, contact that person today. You never know, it may be your last chance to make ammends and instill hope in them. When you are forgiving and patient to such a person they see the light in you and maybe it will be just enough to permeate the darkness they are in.
Patience is also a great virtue in regards to all of your relationships, your spouse, children, parents, co-workers, friends and strangers.
The next time you find yourself losing your patience with someone, take a deep breath, remember this story and God's patience with you. If you do, I promise you that your reaction will be a good one.
~ J. Lawrence Finley
As was the custom Abraham welcomed the man and offered to make him a meal and a place to sleep for the night. Abraham had made a nice meal with lamb for the old man. When they sat down to eat Abraham raised his plate to the heavens and thanked God for his provision. The old man, however, simply started to eat his meal.
This bothered Abraham and he motioned for the old man to stop eating. He asked him, "Don't you bless God for the provisions He gives you?" "I don't worship God," replied the old man, "I only worship fire." And he commenced eating for he was very hungry.
This outraged Abraham and he shouted at the man for his lack of reverance and faith towards his God. He made the old man get up and leave at once, sending him into the dark dangers of the desert night.
After the man left, Abraham sat in his tent feeling that his anger was just and righteous. Just then, the Lord appeared before him. "Where is the old man I sent you Abraham?" asked the Lord. "I made him leave because he didn't believe in you and fear your name" stated Abraham in a self-dignified manner. "Abraham, O Abraham" said the Lord. "I have striven patiently with this old man these past one hundred years, and you could not strive with him just one night?"
Upon hearing that Abraham put his head down low. He conscious was seared and he felt guilty. He looked up to reply to the Lord, but He was gone.
Abraham ran out of the tent and found the old man...he didn't make it too far yet. He aplologized to him and begged him to return. The old man obliged.
During their meal together Abraham explained to the old man all about the miracles and wonders God had done for him. The old man became a believer in God that night. At bedtime they both prayed to God together. The old man asked God to forgive him for all the bad things he had done, promised he would change his ways and that he would live his life in a manner that would please God.
The next morning Abraham went to the old man's tent to awake him for breakfast. But to his surprise, the old man had died during the night.
I love this story! It reminds me of the longsuffering and patience God has shown me. While this is a legend I could certainly see such an event happening.
How about you? Is there one or more people that you can think of that you have lost your patience with? Maybe you are one of those parents who has given up on and turned your back on one of your children. Or a child that has turned your back on one or both of your parents. Take heed to the story above and remember, or perhaps realize, the infinite amount of patience God has with you.
Remember also that Jesus said, Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy." Matt 5:7
If this story has the same impact on you as it did me, you probably feel a little convicted about the lack of patience you have shown to one or more people. Did someone come to your mind immediately when you read this story? If so, you know what you need to do. Forgive them! Have patience with all people, knowing the amount of patience God has shown, and continues, to show you.
"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." Matt 6:14,15
Others may not share your beliefs, morals or values but you are to be Christlike and have patience with them. Don't delay, contact that person today. You never know, it may be your last chance to make ammends and instill hope in them. When you are forgiving and patient to such a person they see the light in you and maybe it will be just enough to permeate the darkness they are in.
Patience is also a great virtue in regards to all of your relationships, your spouse, children, parents, co-workers, friends and strangers.
The next time you find yourself losing your patience with someone, take a deep breath, remember this story and God's patience with you. If you do, I promise you that your reaction will be a good one.
~ J. Lawrence Finley
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