There once was an eskimo that owned about fifty dogs. Every week on Saturday he would bring them into town where the dogs would fight, and people would bet on them.
The eskimo who owned the dogs would also bet. His nephew noticed that his uncle would also always win his bets. At first he thought it was just because his uncles knew his dogs well but he saw that sometimes a dog that was beaten by another dog would win in a different match weeks later against the same dog and he was perplexed.
One day he went to him and said, "Uncle, how do you always know which dogs will win the fight?" "Well, nephew," responded the eskimo, "I will tell you, but you have to promise to keep it a secret ok?" " I will, the nephew said. "It's actually very simple, I only bet on the dogs I feed during the week."
The bible says we all have two natures. One is carnal (flesh) and one is spiritual. And the moral we can draw from this story is that which ever one we feed the most is the one that will win the battles life brings us. We are to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6
I believe this story helps to answer the question; "How does one overcome sin?" The answer, silly as it sounds, is that you are what you eat. What is it you allow in to yourself on a daily basis? The things you listen to, what you look at, where you go, the kind of friends you socialize with, and most importantly the thoughts you think, are all ways that you feed yourself. We are always feeding ourself and you have the choice as to which nature you are feeding.
For example, take a man who has cheated on his wife. He may say, "It just happened, the temptation came and I gave in." But in truth, it rarely just happens. This man most likely had many thoughts of infidelity prior to the act. He fed his carnal nature far more than his spiritual nature and when the temptation (battle) came his spiritual nature was unnourished and weak while his carnal nature was strong.
The sad thing is that many blame God when they end up giving into a sin or have been trying to overcome a sin that they have been struggling with for years. If this is you, look at your life. Are you doing things that feed the sin nature or are you avoiding those things? Truth is we all feed a little of both natures on a daily basis. Sometimes you just can't avoid it. The key is to always make sure you're spiritual nature is well fed.
If you are a parent I would also apply this story to how you are feeding your children. Are you feeding them with knowledge and wisdom that can help them to avoid the tempations they will face? Do they mostly get fed by what they see on tv, internet, movies and other friends? If so, then they will not be strong enough to win the battles and temptations that come their way.
I suggest you take a good look at yourself for the past week. The places you have gone, the things you have seen, what you do online, the people you associate with and the thoughts you have thought.
Which nature are you feeding the most?
The bible says, "As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come."Proverbs 26:1-3
The eskimo who owned the dogs would also bet. His nephew noticed that his uncle would also always win his bets. At first he thought it was just because his uncles knew his dogs well but he saw that sometimes a dog that was beaten by another dog would win in a different match weeks later against the same dog and he was perplexed.
One day he went to him and said, "Uncle, how do you always know which dogs will win the fight?" "Well, nephew," responded the eskimo, "I will tell you, but you have to promise to keep it a secret ok?" " I will, the nephew said. "It's actually very simple, I only bet on the dogs I feed during the week."
The bible says we all have two natures. One is carnal (flesh) and one is spiritual. And the moral we can draw from this story is that which ever one we feed the most is the one that will win the battles life brings us. We are to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace." Romans 8:6
I believe this story helps to answer the question; "How does one overcome sin?" The answer, silly as it sounds, is that you are what you eat. What is it you allow in to yourself on a daily basis? The things you listen to, what you look at, where you go, the kind of friends you socialize with, and most importantly the thoughts you think, are all ways that you feed yourself. We are always feeding ourself and you have the choice as to which nature you are feeding.
For example, take a man who has cheated on his wife. He may say, "It just happened, the temptation came and I gave in." But in truth, it rarely just happens. This man most likely had many thoughts of infidelity prior to the act. He fed his carnal nature far more than his spiritual nature and when the temptation (battle) came his spiritual nature was unnourished and weak while his carnal nature was strong.
The sad thing is that many blame God when they end up giving into a sin or have been trying to overcome a sin that they have been struggling with for years. If this is you, look at your life. Are you doing things that feed the sin nature or are you avoiding those things? Truth is we all feed a little of both natures on a daily basis. Sometimes you just can't avoid it. The key is to always make sure you're spiritual nature is well fed.
If you are a parent I would also apply this story to how you are feeding your children. Are you feeding them with knowledge and wisdom that can help them to avoid the tempations they will face? Do they mostly get fed by what they see on tv, internet, movies and other friends? If so, then they will not be strong enough to win the battles and temptations that come their way.
I suggest you take a good look at yourself for the past week. The places you have gone, the things you have seen, what you do online, the people you associate with and the thoughts you have thought.
Which nature are you feeding the most?
The bible says, "As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come."Proverbs 26:1-3
Some ways to feed the spiritual nature are: think good thoughts, prayer, read the Word, go to church, bible studies, avoid negative and sinful thoughts.
And you don't have to be a monk either. You can enjoy life and walk in the Spirit at the same time!
John Finley
And you don't have to be a monk either. You can enjoy life and walk in the Spirit at the same time!
John Finley
Love this story-thanks
ReplyDeleteYW! Many more to come.